Criminal's Way

Movie Title: Planet Terror
Movie Genre: Horror, Thriller, Movie Comedy
Movie Director: Robert Rodriguez
Movie Script Writer: Robert Rodriguez
Movie Casts: Freddy RodríguezRose McGowanJeff Fahey
El Wray’s Wrecker (Freddy Rodríguez) was driving her ex-girlfriend Cherry Darling (Rose McGowan) home, they were attacked by some zombie-like creatures that took Cherry away and pulled off her right leg. El Wray scared them away and took Cherry to the hospital. He soothed her, stuck a piece of wood in her stump to make her a new leg, and then took her to JT’s.

Cherry was sitting on a bedwater. She turned off the TV and looked dejected.

“Fool. Doesn’t make sense. Why would terrorists want to attack us? We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

“Who knows what they’re thinking?” asked J.T. (Jeff Fahey). “They don’t eat meat. Can’t you trust anybody who don’t eat meat? Fucking soul-less. You eat meat?”

“Oh, yeah. That’s all I eat.”

“Good girl.”

She smiled big, toothy.

“What’s that?”

“Shit eating grin.”

“You should be a comedienne.”

“Thank you, I think I will. What do you think of my leg?”

“It’s funny.”


Someone asked where the tools are. J.T. went to show them. El Wray’s walked in and closed the door behind him. He locked it with the latch.

“Is there to keep them out or keep us in?” asked Cherry sharply.

“How’s your… stump?”

“They knocked it out something fierce. Can’t feel a thing.”

Wray laid on the waterbed with Cherry. They bounced around a bit. “Old J.T. knows how to live.”

“Like f*#k he does,” Cherry Darling said.

Wray wake up and sat, looking at her. “I like how you say f*#k.”

Cherry turned her head and dejected. “Good. F*#k you.”

“F*#k me?” Wray stood up and took off his shirt. Wray was covered in tattoos and bullet wounds and other assorted scars. He was like Rambo times ten. Then, he started undoing his pants.

Cherry laughed sharply. “Oh, so, now you’re the comedian. Go ahead. Drop your pants. That’ll be good for laugh.”

“I highly doubt that….”

Wray canceled dropping his pants and sat back. He looked at the jacket which Cherry was wearing. “That’s my jacket.”

“Yes, I know.”

“I looked for it for two weeks.”

Cherry was looked piqued and angry. “Look. You were being an unbelievable dick. I was walking out on you. I was cold. I took your f*#king jacket.”

Wray wasn’t upset as much as he was amused.

“So, if you’re gonna go on one of your psycho obsessive controlling rants about a f*#king jacket, then f*#king take it cause I’d rather f*#king freeze than f*#king hear about it one more time.”

“Did you find what was in the pocket?”

“F*#k no!”

“Look for it.”

Cherry searched a zippered compartment. Nothing.

“No. The other one.”

In her left, Cherry found a little box and a opened it. She was silence for a moment, didn’t know what to say.

“I was gonna give it to you, but you left me. You took the jacket. And I…”

“…looked for it for two weeks,” Cherry and Wray said together.

Cherry pulled out a ring. An engagement ring.

“Read it,” asked Wray.

“Two against the world.”

“Remember that?”

“I never forgot it,” answered Cherry. Her anger had gone a way.

“Then why you’d leave me?”

“Because you didn’t believe in us…or in me.”

The way above is very effective to be used to a woman who always rent things from you without your permit, and then never give them back. Especially, if she loves talk dirty.

Quotes: Cherry found a little box and a opened it. She was silence for a moment, didn’t know what to say. “I was gonna give it to you, but you left me. You took the jacket. And I…”
“…looked for it for two weeks,” Cherry and Wray said together.
Cherry pulled out a ring. An engagement ring.
“Read it,” asked Wray.
“Two against the world.”

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